As soon as I decided the target audience and theme my magazine is going to comprise of, I started brainstorming content ideas for my double-page spread display. Because my target audience, women from the ages of 18 to about 30, are working individuals and manage the financial aspects of their lives, I decided to have my double-page spread story touch upon the ways one can travel without breaking the bank.
As I researched ways others have traveled the world with thick wallets I came upon the website where I became more familiar with the concept of strategically purchasing hotel rooms and flights in order to maximize points and miles. This website allows it's users to fill their credit card information in and takes them through the process of turning the points they can earn into money they can get back.
Making my way through the site, I reached the "about" tab where I was introduced to Brian Kelly, the founder and editor-in-chief of the website. I was able to get in contact with Mr. Brian as well as land an interview with him during this upcoming week. I am so exited to start my story which will provide my readers with the resources to travel for less, essentially making my magazine, which includes the do's and dont's of traveling, more useful to them.